Austria is a member of the European Union (EU). However, their attitude regarding the case of attempted murder of a former double agent in the UK is contrary to other members.
Government spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal said Vienna would not take action at the national level. There for, they will not expel Russian diplomats. Launsky-Tieffenthal explained that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's government still wants to open a dialogue with the Kremlin.However, Launsky-Tieffenthal said that Vienna supports the withdrawal of the EU ambassador for Moscow, Markus Ederer last week (24/3/2018).
Meanwhile, Chairman of the German Die Linke Party, Andreas Maurer criticized the actions of Chancellor Angela Merkel's government that decided to expel four Russian diplomats. Maurer said Foreign Minister Heiko Maas should consider the expulsion action more closely.Maurer believes that Russia will take action by repelling German diplomats from there. "This action will not solve the problem," he explained.
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